Sunset Over Birubi Beach In Port Stephens

our history


Birubi Point is the youngest club in the Hunter Branch. The club was founded in the mid 1990s by a group of concerned residents who decided to help protect people on one of the most dangerous beaches in Port Stephens. Two of the early pioneers were Peter and Shirley Broadfoot who were our first life members of the club. Sadly, Peter and Shirley have passed away, but their memory and dedication to surf lifesaving will not be forgotten.

 Peter and Shirley O’Brien (Broadfoot) On Birubi Beach
As founding members, in the 1991-92 season Peter and Shirely (and others) began training with Dixon Park Surf Club, to gain the necessary skills to keep our beach safe.

In 1992 Birubi Point SLS “group” is formed. A steering committee was formed, comprising local residents with administrative experience, Port Stephens Shire Council strongly supported a surf club at Birubi. Administrators who put a huge effort in during the early days of the club, under the direction of the steering committee, were Bruce Scott and Vicki McCleer. The Hunter Branch allocated two very experienced lifesavers as advisors: Eddie Bergsma from Fingal Beach SLSC, and Jeff Brady from Stockton SLSC whose contributions ensured the “group” were going in the right direction in the early days.

1994 Birubi Beach Yellow Patrol Truck
In Dec 1994 patrols started at Birubi Point with the first club house being the YELLOW truck.

In Dec 1998 club status was awarded to Birubi Point SLSC; this was in recognition of the hard work done by the “group”. Peter, Shirley and others who were on patrol most weekends in the early days.

Birubi Point Surf Life Saving Club Circa 1999

In Dec 1999 the first clubhouse was completed, which was part of the headland redevelopment by Port Stephens Shire Council and funded partly by the introduction of beach permits.

Jan 2000 our first senior carnival was held at Birubi, seeing support from all clubs in the Hunter Branch.

In 2004 we had our first competitor selected in a state team, Matt Denahy competed at the Australian Interstate Championships held at Jan Juc in Victoria. Matt was also selected for the state team in 2005.

In May 2005, extensions to the first clubhouse were completed, funded by the club with generous assistance from local tradies.

Upgraded Birubi Beach SLSC 2005

In 2009 our first competitor attended an Australian Titles carnival. Reshaye Hollier competed in the Australian Titles held at Scarborough Beach Western Australia. Reshaye came a credible 5th in the final of the U15 Female Surf Race.


In April 2013 it was goodbye to the original clubhouse, the “bunker” was demolished, making way for the $4.9m clubhouse we see today, which was opened in Dec 2013.

The New Birubi Beach SLSC 2013

The building is a fantastic example of what can be achieved when all stakeholders and interested parties work together:

The building is a fantastic example of what can be achieved when all stakeholders and interested parties work together:

  • Port Stephens Council
  • Worimi Board of Management, Land Council and Worimi Elders
  • National Parks & Wildlife
  • Birubi Point SLSC

In May 2017 Rob Duff steps down as President after 14 seasons, Rob’s dedication was second to none, being a key driver in the extensions to the “bunker” and also in the design and construction of the new club house.


The club constantly strives to improve its service. Due to the efforts of our committee, our members, local businesses, and monetary assistance from Local, State and Federal Government grants, we have been able to ensure updated equipment and continued improvements to our operational facilities.


Peter Broadfoot


Shirley O’Brien (Broadfoot)


Mick Denahy


Rob Duff


Sue Hume


Don Shaw


Graeme Chamberlain


Helen Ratcliffe


Wayne Anderson


hunter branch LIFE MEMBERS

Mick Denahy


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