2024-2025 Season Statistics

Season Stats to Date: 23330 Preventatives, 62 Rescues, 44 First Aids, Attendance 132038

Save the Date!!!! Next Members Draw 28Mar25, 7:00pm.

Great Prizes to be Won!!! All you need to do is be there to collect the prize!!!!!

Cost of Living Assistance

Families may be eligible for $500 towards Club Fees, Uniforms, or a laptop for school.

Nippers Beach Sports Activities For Kids


Registrations are now opened for the 2024/2025 season

Nippers is the junior program of our club that introduces children aged 5-13 to surf lifesaving. Nippers is a fun outdoors activity-based program run to educate young children about surf safety and awareness when visiting a beach.  All activities are designed to provide age and experience appropriate challenges. We teach children water, beach and surf safety and encourage them through activities focused on fun, participation, and competition.

The Nipper program is held during the summer period on Sunday mornings, starting mid-October and running through to late March, with a short break over the Christmas and New Year period.

View the 2024-2025 Nippers Program Here  →

This outlines all the details to understand how Nippers runs.

Also join our private Facebook group for general chat and information sharing. You will be sent the information once your membership is approved.


Sessions are held at Birubi Beach. We run two morning sessions. U6-U9 from 8.30 to 9.30am and U10-U14 from 9.45-10.45am. When beach conditions are not ideal, we may choose to run Nipper sessions at Boat Harbour Beach. Parents must sign their Nipper in and out and are required to be present on the beach while activities are being conducted.


In addition to regular Sunday nipper activities, nippers have the opportunity to compete in surf sports at SLS Carnivals.  Surf Sports competition is a great way to keep fit, have fun and support your club at the same time. Hunter surf lifesaving branch offer regular carnivals for competitors in both water-based and beach. These are run on Saturday mornings throughout the season at varying beach locations.  There are pre-requisites for competitors based on proficiencies. Please speak to your age manager for more information if your nipper is interested in competing in carnivals.

View the 2024-2025 Carnivals Schedule→

Off season training is occurring. Please speak to your age manager to ensure you are booked in.


The Junior Activities Committee is made up of Nipper parents who are all volunteers. They are led by the the club President, Rohan Fisher.

The Committee meets at least 4 times a year, and the meeting is open to all Nipper families. If you have any suggestions or concerns you wish to discuss, you are very welcome to come along and join us!

Each week your child is guided by Age Managers, and they are the equivalent of coaches in any other sport. They are parents who volunteer to run the activities of each age group at Sunday morning Nippers. The role of an age manager is to educate our junior members about the surf and surf lifesaving in a friendly, fun and safe environment. They are heavily supported by our water safety team. We are always looking to add more age managers and age manager assistance to our ranks.

BPSLSC Nippers Logo

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